She was born in Istanbul, in 1985. Çetintaş graduated from the Department of Industrial Design at Yeditepe University in 2006, and in the same year attended the summer course managed by James Irvine at Domus Academy. The product she designed for the Thonet company there with Burak Küre, came in third among students coming from all corners of the world. She did her masters in Industrial Design at Marmara University in 2010. Between April 2008 – December 2009 she worked as an Industrial Designer at Koctas Building Markets INC. During that time she attended the trend determination and generating trend-oriented product range workshops in London and Paris organized by the company’s foreign partners. Between 2007-2013 she created and wrote for a blog followed by readers from all over the world. Between 2006-2011 Çetintaş received three awards at the IMMIB Industrial Design Contests, two of which were in first place, and another one in third place. She believes that the artisanship should be applied to today’s design, as she pays attention to the emotion that products evoke in the user, and she has a design understanding where she aims at creating functional products by keeping these elements in mind.